Frequently Asked Moving Questions

Moving FAQ’s
Frequently Asked Moving Questions – You are going to have a lot of questions that need to be answered when preparing for your next move (no matter where you decide to move to). That is why “We Move Anywhere” has some of the Frequently Asked Moving Questions listed below. Please do not worry if your question is not listed below. You can always check with “We Move Anywhere”if your question has not been answered otherwise.
When Should You Call Their Moving Services?
It all depends on when you are planning to move. It will also depends on the type of full service moving packages you require (if any). In most cases, the earlier you can call “We Move Anywhere”, the better off you are. Here is the deal: The truck and moving expense details are not made up until a few days prior to when you move. However, your call should come no later than 4-6 months prior to moving.
Fit Your Schedule
The reason for that is “We Move Anywhere” will have more time to work your schedule. The later you call (like a few days prior), the less likely they can work with your timeline. That early timeline will give them a chance to work with other client schedule and move things around(especially if you are working under a very strict timeline).
Now, there are moment when you have to work with lease schedules and other real estate closings. A lot of clients have this happen to them. Your best bet (once more) is to let them know ahead of time. You might be required to be up and out no later than a certain date (according to your lease agreement). That being said, you should let “We Move Anywhere” know what is going on. That way they know (in advance) about your strict timeline. Otherwise, you might not get a “preferred option”.
Do You Actually Need An Estimate?
Yes, this is another one of the many moving FAQ’s “We Move Anywhere” gets. “We Move Anywhere” team will need to come to your home prior to the schedule. They will want to take inventory of everything (and we do mean everything) you intend to move. An agent with Franco’s will give you an estimate based on the number of items and the weight of each item. Some belongings are going to cost more due to weight issues.
There is no way “We Move Anywhere” can give you a solid estimate over the phone. Also, do bear in mind that this estimate comes free-of-charge to you. Some of you get worried over the cost of an estimate. “We Move Anywhere” estimate comes clean and clear. You should feel better about using them knowing that upfront. You also need to keep in mind that the estimate is just that, and estimate. “We Move Anywhere” has not calculated shipping charges or anything like that. Now, you are going to pay more in shipping if you travel between states. Some states will charge more for a move than others.
What Is A Binding Estimate & How Does It work?
Some of you might have heard about a “binding estimate” in passing. It is nothing to worry about. What it is (basically) is a an estimate of what the move will cost before it happens. This is when everything has been tallied up, and then, you have something preliminary to go by. This estimate is valid up to 30 days. Now, what happens if you have other things included at the last minute (like shuttles, car transports, or other amenities).
That means your estimate is going to go up. Once again, those amenities were not included in the original plan. You cannot just throw them in at the last minute. “We Move Anywhere” will include an addendum at the end, which you sign. That will be the place of all additional amenities, if there are any. What happens if there are no extras added in by the end of the move? Your initial charges stand. You should discuss all of this with “We Move Anywhere” before moving.
When Should You Move?
Well, that is up to you, really. However, “We Move Anywhere” does have a preferable schedule if pressed for an answer. “We Move Anywhere” does suggest you try to move before the summer, the end of a month, or holidays. Some of you might be wondering why. That is when the trucks are most in-demand. You should try to pick a time when no one is doing it.
Now, “We Move Anywhere” does feel you should move when it is appropriate for you. Some things you might want to think about include family separation (for whatever reason), school for the kids (if you have any), and other emergency-related factors. Sometimes you have to leave right away (through no fault of your own). “We Move Anywhere” does understand that, and they will take that into consideration.
How Long Should It Take?
That depends on the kind of move you make, and other factors, like weather conditions and direction. Moving across the country could take longer. You also have to factor in the shipping. Some shipments will be sent together, while others will be sent separately. You might not have everything there when you arrive. It also depends on how many items, how heavy, and how much packing you have.
What Should You Do If Your Moving Date Changed?
Please notify “We Move Anywhere” ASAP. That way “We Move Anywhere” can update things as needed. Please do not let them sit on the sidelines you change things around. It is a gross inconvenience for them to show up (the day of the proposed move), only to have you tell them the are not needed. Respect works both ways. “We Move Anywhere” will do right by you as long as you extend them the same respect.
Let’s Get Moving
Now you know the most Frequently Asked Moving Questions our customers ask when hiring our services, now It’s time to visit “We Move Anywhere” Moving Company to get your moving scheduled and for any more questions and concerns regarding the moving services and full service moving packages.